

are you a cause or effect make things happen

In this thought-provoking video, 'Are You a Cause or Effect? Make Things Happen,' we explore the powerful concept of taking control of your life and becoming the driving force behind your success. Are you passive, letting circumstances shape you, or are you proactive, shaping your own destiny? Learn practical tips to shift your mindset, overcome [...]

Ask Right People for Advice

In this insightful video, we explore the importance of seeking guidance from the right people to achieve success in life. Discover how the quality of advice you receive can dramatically impact your decisions, goals, and outcomes. Learn practical tips on identifying experts, mentors, and experienced individuals who can provide valuable insights tailored to your journey. [...]

11 Words That Works for 2011

I really enjoyed this video, by Dr.Frank Luntz. He talks about the most influential words for 2011, check them out... And here are they: Imagine No Excuses I get it Uncompromising Integrity If you remember only one thing.... The Simple Truth BelieveĀ in Better Real time You Decide You Deserve Let's get to work I know [...]

By | August 19th, 2011|Marketing|0 Comments